Thought I'd throw this out there, I read the book One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp which I highly recommend. Here is the challenge, with this New Year starting start writing down a thousand things your thankful for and try to make them different. You could write down family a thousand times but then you'd miss the point, the point being to see the small little things and find the joy in them. It's OK to put somethings down more than once believe me I have put down rain and gray skies more than once they are so few here. I'm about a third of the way done it's taken a few months but I'm looking for the rest of my gifts. K saw me writing in my gift book and wanted to write some gifts so I got her, her own gifts book now when she comes over I ask her what she's thankful for so I can write it for her. Just think if she gets in the habit now when she's older she'll be doing it. I wonder what she'll think of her book when she's older. Give it a try and let me know how it's going.
Until Later,